
To Thunderbird on Microsoft Windows XP

  1. Close all open windows of Spicebird
  2. Choose "Run" in start menu.
  3. Type in "%APPDATA%"
  4. Press OK and a windows explorer window will appear
  5. Rename "Spicebird" to "Thunderbird"

To Thunderbird on Microsoft Windows Vista and Later

  1. Close all open windows of Spicebird
  2. Open the start menu
  3. Type "%APPDATA%" in search input
  4. Press OK and a windows explorer window will appear
  5. Click "Roaming"
  6. Rename "Spicebird" to "Thunderbird"

To Thunderbird on GNU/Linux

  1. Close all open windows of Spicebird
  2. Rename ~/.spicebird to ~/.thunderbird from the command console.